things i wrote about

Writing is an invaluable skill that needs to be trained like every other muscle. Writing forces you to think more about a topic, how to express this clearly and enable others to consume your thoughts asynchronously and at their speed. Check out my training progress and thoughts below.


Why does storing two-factor authentication codes in your password manager make sense?

Modern login systems require a second factor (2FA) to log in, in addition to the standard username and password combination. A Time-based one-time password (TOTP) as a 6-digit number is often used. Password managers like 1Password, KeePass (or respective forks) and others offer the ability to store (and generate) the 2FA TOTP. For a long time, I was asking myself: Why is it recommended to have a Username, Password, and 2FA in the same storage (like 1Password)? Isn’t this against the basic idea of a second factor (regarding the storage places to gain access to)?

Lessons learned Meetups

Lessons learned from running a local tech meetup for 11 years

For the last 11 years (2012 - 2023), I was the main organizer of the local tech meetup Web Engineering DUS in Düsseldorf, Germany. At the end of 2023, my peer Dominik Siebel and I handed over the Meetup ownership to Dario Tilgner to continue to run the meetup with a new perspective, new spirit and a new refreshing approach. This blog post summarizes critical learnings from the past 11 years of local tech meetup activities.


My alltime-high articles

A list of articles that i highly recommend to read, because they changed the way i think, speak and behave.


Run your Continuous Integration every day

How a daily Continuous Integration process run will detect your dependency failures early and keep your software buildable.


Cancel your meetings if you can live with the outcome

A simple rule to protect your time and regain your productivity by more focus time.

Open Source Hardware

I can't wash my clothes without Open Source

On my newly bought washing machine, a sheet of paper about the used open source projects was attached. In this article we check what it is all about.

Engineering Lessons learned

your database connection deserves a name

Assigning a name to your database connection can lower your time to debug. We provide an overview of how to do this for various database systems and programming languages.


Web Engineering DUS Meetup: Recap of 2019

What happened in 2019? Let us look back together and celebrate this incredible year for the Web Engineering Düsseldorf Meetup.

Community things with buzzers

things with buzzers: a sports competition

We built our own game show buzzers and organized a fitness sports competition. The athlete pushed the buzzer at the finish to track his time. Here we describe how you can do this as well.

Community things with buzzers

things with buzzers: playing a Jeopardy! game

We built our own game show buzzers and played the popular quiz show Jeopardy! with our friends. Here we describe how you can do this as well.

Community things with buzzers

things with buzzers: building your own game-show buzzers

We built our own game show buzzers with the help of a raspberry pi, a 3d printer, and some software. Here is all you need to create your own game show buzzers.

Community Lessons learned

Playing Rock–Paper–Scissors with 500 people

We played the popular Rock Paper Scissors game with 500 people in unter 7 minutes as a energizer game at a tech conference.


Book review on "Rework" by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

A book review on Rework: Change the way you work forever by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried.


Book review on "Atomic Habits" by James Clear

A book review on Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones by James Clear.


Book review on "Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love" by Marty Cagan

Marty Cagan wrote the product management book ‘Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love’. This post is my book review after reading it. TLDR: It is excellent!


Web Engineering DUS Meetup: Feedback wall in May

We have run the Web Engineering Düsseldorf Meetup since 2012. Feedback from attendees is vital to us our improvement. Here are the results from the feedback wall during the Web Engineering Düsseldorf May Meetup.

PHP Open Source Engineering

Migrate your local PHP 7.2 setup to Homebrew v1.5

Homebrew v1.5 changed the way how the PHP programming language packages are installed. This blog post is a small guide on how you migrate your local Homebrew PHP setup while updating to Homebrew v1.5.


Web Engineering DUS Meetup: Satisfaction Survey 2017

We have run the Web Engineering Düsseldorf Meetup since 2012. Feedback from attendees is vital to us our improvement. Here are the survey results of the Web Engineering Düsseldorf Meetup satisfaction survey 2017.

Lessons learned Public Speaking

Learn Redis the hard way (in production) @ trivago techblog

A story about how we learned to overcome pitfalls from redis in production at trivago. Including various lessons learned.

Lessons learned Meetups

Lessons learned from running a local meetup

I have been running a local meetup group for over four years. Here, I am summarizing and sharing lessons learned from running a local user group/meetup with you so that you can avoid the same mistakes.

Engineering Go

Resources to learn Go(lang)

If you want to learn Go(lang) and don’t know where to start, here is a list of five resources on how I learned Go(lang) in a short amount of time.

Open Source

TYPO3-Analytics goes Jacobine

The open-source project ‘TYPO3-Analytics’ was looking for a new name. This blog post is about how we found the new name Jacobine for the open-source project TYPO3-Analytics.

Open Source

TYPO3-Analytics: Release of version v0.1.0

A new version of the open-source project TYPO3-Analytics (now Jacobine) is out. We released version 0.1.0. We summarize the main changes and provide an outlook for the future.

Open Source Community

The story of my bachelor thesis about Software Repository Mining

A personal story on how I found the topic of my Bachelor Thesis by joining a random talk at the biggest tech and open source conference in europe.

Open Source

TYPO3-Analytics is looking for a new name

The open-source project ‘TYPO3-Analytics’ is looking for a new name. The community has been asked for suggestions. Here are the results.

Open Source

TYPO3-Analytics: Release of version v0.0.1

A new version of the open-source project TYPO3-Analytics (now Jacobine) is out. We released version 0.0.1. We summarize the main changes and provide an outlook for the future.