TYPO3-Analytics is looking for a new name

Open Source

At Apr 19, 2013 I started TYPO3-Analytics to create a prototype or proof of concept to make my first steps in fields data mining/software repository mining, statistics, and data visualization.

At this time, I got an extensive and in-depth knowledge of the TYPO3 ecosystem (code, people, tools, systems, processes, events, etc.) and the TYPO3 community manager Ben van ‘t ende motivated me to create some metrics ;) So the first project was TYPO3.

Update (July 2021): The project is not active anymore.

The idea, passion, and motivation are still alive, but I won’t continue TYPO3-Analytics/Jacobine as it is right now anymore.

The project stays open-source on GitHub.

For a GitHub repository, you need a name. I was in the situation to name my proof of concept. Due to the topics above and the missing flash of inspiration, I chose TYPO3-Analytics. From my point of view this name does not fit anymore for some reasons:

  1. The project aims to use publicly available information over centralized / standard ways (e.g., APIs). With this in mind, it is possible to analyze various projects. Not only TYPO3. The prefix TYPO3 is not necessary and might be lead to confusion if, e.g. Symfony will be analyzed.
  2. The complete project is much more than Analytics. It is about …
  • to collect and receive data
  • produce new information and knowledge about this data with the usage of algorithms of data, web and text mining
  • visualize data and activity in various ways
  • motivate people to more open source works
  • say thank you for the wow effect of what a single person has achieved
  • and much more

These are only two reasons. But I think that these are two excellent reasons to choose a new name for this baby. And this is the time where YOUR innovation comes in. We are looking for a new name with your help. Here are some keywords which might be related to this project:

  • data
  • open source
  • people
  • contributor
  • data / web / text mining
  • software repository mining
  • metrics
  • statistics
  • visualization
  • wow
  • motivation
  • information
  • knowledge
  • community
  • results
  • numbers
  • Your keyword here …

I tried various startup name generators to get ideas for a new, fresh and fancy, or usable and logical name. But I was not successful. Maybe you got some ideas? EVERY idea is welcome. New keywords are welcome, too. Would you mind posting your idea in the comments or sending a tweet to my account @andygrunwald?

The first idea came from Michael Oehlhof: TYPO3 CoMet - CoMet means Community Metrics. Not bad this idea. But the TYPO3 prefix is already there, and Community metrics are a bit general. Or what do you think? Your opinion is welcome too. But anyway. Thanks for this idea, Michael!

Thanks for your help!

Update at 2014-03-05

Awesome! I received some name suggestions from different people. A big thanks to this!