Yesterday, we had our May 2018 edition of the Web Engineering DUS Meetup with five very different lightning talks. Roundabout 75 people showed up.
Dome and I run the Web Engineering DUS meetup for quite some time, and we ask ourselves how we can improve the experience and the value of this event. We try to play around with different formats of the evening, with a broad range of topics, various speakers, etc. But this is often based on our ideas. To get more insights, we asked the attendees for feedback yesterday. Again. See the satisfaction survey 2017 for reference. We did it the pragmatic way and used pen and paper to ask the attendees to write us feedback during the break. A couple of people did, and here is the result:
My 1st meetup. Impressive!
Just thank you! <3 Keep it up!
Great speakers, food and drinks
Andy could allow more questions, but block/stop longer discussions. Great conference, would buy tickets again. Thanks!
Very good variety in terms of topics, speakers, new concepts and beer
Good topics, well prepared, directly applicable
Great, thanks! Will definitely come to the future Meetups!
Thanks for all the feedback. Suppose you want to provide us further feedback. In that case, you can do it anonymously via WebEngDUS @ Constructeev (thanks to Wolfgang for this service).